NewsGate Press Network

Giving more than one clear signals to its adversaries the top four countries dominating the Pacific, India’s External Affairs Minister Dr Jaishankar said the QUAD – the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is here to stay.

Early on Monday the 29th of July 2024, in his opening statement at the QUAD Foreign Ministers’ Meeting being held in Tokyo Jaishankar said – “the commitment to doing global good that we have all undertaken has a resonance far beyond this region.

“It is therefore essential that our political understanding strengthens, our economic partnerships grow, our technology collaborations expand, and our people-to-people comfort intensifies. Our meeting should send a clear message that the QUAD is here to stay, here to do, and here to grow,” EAM said.

All the four foreign ministers of India, Japan, USA and Australia are meeting after a gap of 10 months since their New York’s session.

Later a very exhaustive and detail joint statement was released by all the four foreign ministers expressing QUAD’s desire and goals.

Here is that link of Joint Statement.

“It’s very good to meet again here in Tokyo. Our last quad foreign ministers meeting was ten months ago in New York. In that period, we have met each other bilaterally or on the sidelines of other events. Our systems, however, led by our Sherpas, have been continuously interacting. So there is much today to talk about, to agree on and to plan ahead,” Dr Jaishankar statement in his opening remarks.

The Indian foreign minister said that these are difficult times and ensuring economic growth is challenging.
“These are not easy times. A major challenge is to ensure global economic growth while also de-risking it. Supply chains are a particular focus for resilience, just as we push for trusted and transparent digital partnerships. The march of technology has also acquired extraordinary proportions, holding possibilities of the very manner in which we live, think and act. In a sense, we are in the midst of a re-globalization,” he said.
The EAM added that the QUAD’s ‘s collective efforts will ensure security against human-made or natural disruptions.
“At the same time, it is only our collective endeavours that can prove the international system against disruptions, man-made or natural. But we have significant additional responsibilities as well as political democracies, pluralistic societies and market economies. There is the key question of upholding a rules-based order. It is only our collaboration that can ensure that the Indo-Pacific remains free, open, stable, secure and prosperous,” he added.

It was also announced in the Joint Statement that India will be hosting next QUAD Leaders’ Summit meeting later this year.

Next year USA will host QUAD Foreign Ministers’ meeting.