NewsGate Press Network

The first big engagement that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend during his three day visit to the US will be all important the ‘Summit of the Future (SoTF)’

On September 23rd, he will address the SoTF in New York. His address will be featured during the afternoon session.

Modi will also be holding many bilateral meeting with top world leaders on the sidelines of the Summit meeting.

The origin of the SoTF can be traced to the report ‘Our Common Agenda (OCA)’ of the Secretary General submitted to the UNGA in September 2021. One of the recommendations of the OCA was a proposal for a Summit of the Future.

The theme of the Summit is ‘Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow’. Secretary General António Guterres has called the Summit a ‘once in a generation UN Summit’.

It may be recalled tha SoTF is an important milestone in the history of UN as it enters the 80th year of its establishment in 2025.

A Pact for the Future — with its two annexes Global Digital Compact and Declaration on Future Generations –will be the outcome document of the SoTF.

The Summit of the Future is expected to witness participation of a number of world leaders.

The Pact for the Future is seen by many in the Global South as an opportunity to highlight issues of importance in the areas of health, energy security issues, climate change, transform institutions of global governance, economic inequalities, etc.

EAM Jaishankar will take part in the General Debate and deliver India’s national statement at UNGA.