NewsGate Press Network

In a thought provoking speech at the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly held on 23rd September 2024, the prime minister Narendra Modi stated in no uncertain terms that  –  “world must adopt a human-centric approach to development and that “success lies in our collective strength, and not in the battlefield”.

This statement was apparently a clear indication to the continuing Ukraine and Middle East conflicts.

The theme of this year’s UNGA Summit is ‘Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow’.

The Summit witnessed the participation of a large number of world leaders.

In his address, Prime Minister highlighted India’s vision for shaping a sustainable world for future generations.

He noted that he was speaking at the Summit on behalf of one-sixth of humanity which seeks global peace, development and prosperity.

Calling for the primacy of a human-centric approach in our collective quest for a bright global future, the Prime Minister highlighted India’s success at scaling sustainable development initiatives and, in this regard, noted that the country had lifted 250 million people out of poverty in the last decade.

Expressing solidarity with countries of the Global South, he emphasized that India was privileged to share its development experience with them.

He called for balanced regulations to promote safe and responsible use of technology, noting that India is open to sharing its digital public infrastructure for greater public good.

Modi also underlined India’s commitment to “One Earth, One Family, One Future” as a guiding principle.

Prime Minister noted that reform is key to relevance and called for urgent reform of the institutions of global governance, including the UN Security Council.

He noted that global action must match global ambition.

Full remarks of the PM may be seen here.

The Summit concluded with the adoption of an outcome document – A Pact for the Future, along with two annexes, Global Digital Compact and A Declaration on Future Generations.