NewsGate Press Network

This episode on Border Security Force (BSF) was first broadcast on air in the erstwhile Rajya Sabha Television (RSTV) on 5th December 2015 anchored and produced by Vineet Dikshit.

RSTV has now merged with the erstwhile Lok Sabha TV (LSTV) and is now known as Sansad TV, the official television channel of the Parliament of India.

About 80-100 kms beyond the tourist spots located at the Sam in Rajasthan lies a very tricky border with Pakistan.

The locations that were visited by the author for recording of this episode was a rare opportunity given by the government of India and hitherto remains exclusive coverage.

Crew was based at BOP Murar (Border Out Post – Murar) where temperature at noon often reaches 50 degrees during summer months.

At the time of filing this story the total number of views recording on YouTube till date is more than 6.7 million views.
Life is very tough for these BSF bravehearts
Chasing time in ones shadow
It becomes hot and windy after 10.30 in the morning