NewsGate Press Network

News agency UNI is reporting that the United States is set to supply Ukraine with Excalibur precision-guided artillery munitions in a new military aid package, including five new types of hardware that have not yet been delivered to Kiev, Politico reported, citing sources.
On Friday the 19th of August 2022, the White House said that US President Joe Biden signed a memorandum authorizing a drawdown of $775 million worth of military assistance to Ukraine.
The Excalibur weapons were not included in this round, and the exact delivery date is still being under discussion, the report said.
The US is set to provide the Ukrainian forces with new precision weapons, which are reportedly able to target “dug-in Russian positions and command posts,” according to the UNI report.
The package consists of 16 of 105mm howitzer artillery cannons, 15 ScanEagle reconnaissance drones, 1,500 tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided (TOW) anti-tank missiles, 40 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) light vehicles, and 2,000 anti-armor ammunition for Carl Gustaf rifles.

It will also include 1,000 Javelin anti-tank missiles and ammunition for high mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS).